October 4, 2009

Fancation Sunday

We love to check out C&MA churches when we get a chance so we visited Bible Alliance Church of Cape Cod.

This was a nice outdoor cafe in Brewster (where we went to church).  It was 1:30 and they said they only served breakfast on Sundays so breakfast it was!  Our next stop was the Brewster General Store which was interesting but very over priced!  They did direct us to Drummer Boy Park which had a windmill and some unusual trees.

This tree looked like our sycamore at home but was a deep rust colored bark.  Anybody know what it is?

Since we were near the Cape Cod Museum of Natural History we decided to use our Explorer Passes that cost us $42 and got us 3 venues each. Normally it would have cost us $8 each. I usually don't like wildlife but after checking it out and talking to the volunteer we decided to go for it. We had a docent to take us around to the different exhibits and fill in the details. This is a coyote and not native to the Cape. They come across the bridges at night. The locals don't like them because they eat their small dogs.

I thought this was interesting that God's Word would be displayed on the wall in the form of these beautiful wood carvings, one on the sea and on on creation .
 This is an Opah.

 This guy looks cold, huh?

I love jellyfish. They are so fluid.

We got tatooed at the museum!

First seafood of the week.  I miss Friday night fish fries in Western NY. Even had some malt vinegar.

Chatham Lighthouse

Beautiful little village at sunset.

The black dots are seals.

We thought these road signs were a hoot. Loosley translated-densely populated.

From Chatham we drove along the bottom shore on Rt 28 to West Dennis where our motel was located.
Wonderful end to our second day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very cool pictures!! You guys packed a ton of neat stuff into your week at Cape Cod. Your pictures make me want to go there even more! New England looks like it has its own unique culture. Thanks for the post and the pics!