November 6, 2007

Ebb and Flow

No, that's not a new set of friends, but it is what is going on here at CLC and our home. Herb ,who has been our financial director for the past couple years,and his wife, Toni are leaving the hill to take a pastoral position at a local church. I don't like change when it means people leave. We are going to miss them tremendously. They have been such a help to us in moral support, advice and comradery. They will live locally but it won't be the same. They are leaving a big hole. Wonder how God will fill it?
Our son, Jay and wife Jo are preparing to leave as well for the Harrisburg area in search of a less expensive way of living. We understand but we will miss them so much. Our lives have become so intertwined over the last year that it will be hard not to see them at the drop of the hat. Dan, as well is preparing for a leaving and cleaving to Alicia sometime this next year. We are staying put, for the time being anyway.
God is constant! He will never leave us or forsake us. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.