May 21, 2008

God Showed Up

Pennsylvania landscape taken by my friend Becky.

I saw some answers to prayer today! In our mission devotional time we talked about the need for more funds to pay bills for the mission as well as personal needs. Then I went to work and there was a large order for books from a store that hasn't ordered in years & another store called out of the blue and paid their bill. God reminded another individual that he hadn't ordered from us in a long time and hecalled to order. In answer to prayer, someone made a donation to our prison ministry and we were able to send to about five inmates and still have money for more.
Dogwood here at CLC also taken by Becky.


Anonymous said...

What lovely photography! And encouraging answers to prayer. :)

Anonymous said...

I appear to be the only commenter on your blog!! Maybe we should beef up your marketing plan.